Identifying Priority Areas for Conservation in the Eastern Pacific Ocean
The extraordinary waters of the Eastern Tropical Pacific Marine Corridor are known for its migratory, endemic, and native species. The Bezos Earth Fund granted $300,000 to MigraMar through Re:wild to support the conservation of the corridor’s rich biodiversity. With this grant, MigraMar will draw on years of data to propose Key Biodiversity Areas (KBAs), particularly beyond marine protected areas (MPAs) and national jurisdictions. They will also determine where gaps remain and where biodiversity may be particularly vulnerable to human impacts. These results will help national, regional, and global fisheries and environmental authorities understand how to better manage the corridor’s unique biodiversity, including migratory species. It will also consider the impacts of current and future fisheries, climate change scenarios, and support Ecuador’s evaluation of new potential KBA sites across its terrestrial and marine jurisdiction.