Ambition Without Action is Failure – It’s Time to Step Up at COP16


As COP16 in Colombia begins, the world finds itself at a critical juncture. Two years after the adoption of the Kunming-Montreal Global Biodiversity Framework, only 33 countries have updated their National Biodiversity Strategies and Action Plans (NBSAPs), with 105 others submitting national targets. This progress – less than 20% of the commitments needed – can jeopardize global efforts to halt and reverse nature loss by 2030. With the interconnected crises of climate change and biodiversity loss accelerating, the need for decisive action has never been more urgent. Dr. Cristián Samper, Managing Director and Leader for Nature Solutions, Bezos Earth Fund, said the following:

“The future of life on Earth depends on how we tackle the interconnected crises of climate change and nature loss. Two years after adopting the Kunming-Montreal Global Biodiversity Framework, more than 160 countries still lack updated national biodiversity strategies. This inaction threatens not only ecosystems but human well-being and economic growth. COP16 must be a turning point, where promises become action, ambition is raised, and trust is restored.

At the Bezos Earth Fund, we are advancing solutions where biodiversity and climate converge, protecting what remains, restoring what’s been lost, and transforming food systems to ensure a more sustainable future. But ambition alone is not enough; countries must ensure their targets are bold and matched by financing to turn plans into action. We call on countries to submit ambitious NBSAPs that align with the 30x30 target, backed by financing and clear milestones. Governments must engage Indigenous peoples and local communities as essential partners in conservation and ensure biodiversity goals are integrated across all sectors.

Without swift action, the cost of inaction will be profound – compounding food insecurity, increasing natural disasters, and accelerating the climate crisis. Countries that have not yet submitted their NBSAPs must act now, not as an obligation but as an opportunity to lead. The 30x30 goal must be matched by financial ambition, with both public and private resources flowing to countries most in need.

The next five years will determine whether we halt and reverse nature loss by 2030. Success will require not just ambition but transparency, with robust monitoring frameworks to hold all parties accountable. The Bezos Earth Fund stands ready to support these efforts, but we cannot afford further delay. The world is watching – and nature cannot wait.”

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