The Electric School Bus Initiative is designed to advance an equity-centered approach to getting more electric buses into school districts and to accelerate scaling manufacturing, charging infrastructure, funding, and financing.
In addition to improving children’s health, school bus electrification is also crucial to advancing the overall decarbonization of heavy industry. Electric buses, which run on battery power and have no internal combustion engine, generate less than half the greenhouse gas emissions of their diesel- and propane-burning counterparts, depending upon the electricity generation mix.
“The Earth Fund has been a crucial partner in WRI’s mission to equitably electrify the entire U.S. school bus fleet, supporting partnerships on the ground with organizations working nationally and on a state and local level,” says Sue Gander, Director of WRI’s School Bus Initiative.
There are nearly 5,000 electric school buses out on the road today — about one percent of the country’s total fleet serving some 250,000 students. While still small, the market is growing rapidly. From the start of 2021 to August 2024, the number of electric school buses on the road or on the way has increased nearly 10-fold.